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7669 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

7669 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter is a Clone Wars set released in December 2007. The set includes Anakin's Delta-7B Jedi Starfighter and two minifigures. Anakin Skywalker and R2-D2.


Anakin's Jedi Starfighter is mainly built out of dark and light grey pieces as well as yellow ones. The starfighter has a dagger shape with some extra parts at the back. The starfighter has yellow stripes going to the front of the craft.

Anakin's starfighter, like all the other LEGO Delta-7Bs, has a special function. This ship's function is being able to eject R2-D2 by pressing a transparent blue cone at the back. Other functions of the starfighter are the landing gear, the flick-fire missiles underneath the wings, and the lights on the wings. The ship has several sloping bricks, and a tail at the back. At the back of the wings are the light grey engines.


Anakin's Jedi Starfighter was used by Anakin numerous times during Clone Wars . It was destroyed when R2-D2 was captured, but Anakin managed to escape.

  • Although it was released in December 2007. it is considered part of the The Clone Wars line, which had its actual release date of July 26, 2008. This continues the LEGO company's trend of releasing a Jedi Starfighter before the rest of its wave (as they had done with the Jedi Starfighter for Episode II, and the Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid set for Episode III).
  • The box was originally released in the Expanded Universe scheme, but was released with the new The Clone Wars packaging in September of 2008.
  • This was the first set to include Anakin from the Clone Wars theme.
  • This was the last set to include the original design of R2-D2 along with 7680 The Twilight. Description

This is a quote taken from Do not modify it.( visit this item's product page )

Battle with Anakin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Blasting out of the new Clone Wars CG-Animated TV Series, it’s Anakin Skywalker’s customized Jedi starfighter! Fight the forces of the Separatists and the dark side with flick-firing missiles, retractable landing gear and an ejection button for R2-D2.

  • Includes R2-D2 and new Anakin Skywalker minifigures!
  • Jedi Starfighter measures 10" (25cm) long!

Minifigures Included