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Film streaming A Fistful of Fingers regarder en ligne avec sous-titres anglais bonne qualite

  • Directed by Edgar Wright
  • Starring Graham Low, Oli van der Vijver, Nicola Stapleton, Martin Curtis
  • Written by Edgar Wright

A Fistful of Fingers(1995) — A Fistful of Fingers has more than its tongue in cheek. It has wit, brains and a touch of the Monty Pythons too. It is billed as the first spaghetti western shot in Somerset budgeted at $16000 and based on general arsing around by two movie buffs, Edgar Wright and Graham Low, one lunch break in grade 12. But actually it is a canny professional job, well edited and good looking that sustains a parody of Clint Eastwood and Co right to the end with amazing elan.

Low plays the Man with No Name whose mere "howdy" sends whole towns scuttling indoors and whose spitball causes pictures to fall from their nails in the saloon. His sidekick in a bounty-hunting expedition, is a one-feathered brave called Running Sore (Martin Curtis). "None shall pass" decrees a cheftain barring the track: whereupon our heroes disappear behind a bush emerging as nuns - and pass. Similar Goonish gags, school of Richard Lester and the Running Jumping and Standing Still Films run riot.

Edge of Cliff warns a notice followed by one for the safety of film-makers that says Edge of Frame. I'll never forget the blood, the fear, the screams says someone adding "Do you ever get flashbacks?". "Do I get any lines?" asks the squaw.

Pantomine horses provide the spirited broncos, duels are diagrammatically illustrated on a blackboard before being fought, a shoot-out turns into a Kill or be killed game show and a head severed at the neck falls into a basketball net. You get the idea? There are a hundred or so good gags done with engaing complicity and affection for what they're sending up by a cast hardly old enough to shave. You must not fail to catch the film.

A Fistful of Fingers DVD is available as a deluxe edition with custom cover and dvd case. Important: This title is manufactured-on-demand from the best-quality video master currently available and has not been remastered or restored.